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May we introduce: this is InCite!

Last week, it became unusually quiet around CEFEG GmbH on Facebook and Instagram.Don’t worry, we don’t lack exciting content. We used the time to finish the brand new employee magazine. Our colleagues will be able to hold the first issue in their hands just in time for the summer party today, July 2, 2021. Freely following the motto “for employees by employees”, a group of colleagues put their heart and soul into this almost 50-page print project. True to the principles of CEFEG and the title of the magazine “InCite”, we want to create transparency, shake things up and inform as well as present the people in CEFEG and their work.

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Das Vorhaben hat die Zielstellung der Verbesserung der Qualität der Ausbildung und der Erhöhung des Ausbildungsplatzpotenzials des ausbildenden Unternehmens. Es werden Ausbildungsinhalte gefördert, die in anderen Unternehmen oder Einrichtungen ergänzend zur eigenen betrieblichen Ausbildung (Verbundausbildung) stattfinden.