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CEFEG GmbH – Full in race!

Sporty, sporty! Our CEFEG runners not only cut a fine figure at the live event of the Chemnitz Corporate Run 2021, but also set fantastic times. The ambition showed at the finish line sprint betweenA good figure made, but also fantastic times. The ambition was evident in the sprint to the finish between shipping and quality management. Team spirit is very important to us. That’s why many colleagues in the Küchwald stood on the edge of the course and cheered the CEFEG runners on. Afterwards we had a beer together and culinary refreshments at the Hotel c/o 56. We had a fun, sporty and sociable evening and would like to thank for making this great sporting event possible.

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Das Vorhaben hat die Zielstellung der Verbesserung der Qualität der Ausbildung und der Erhöhung des Ausbildungsplatzpotenzials des ausbildenden Unternehmens. Es werden Ausbildungsinhalte gefördert, die in anderen Unternehmen oder Einrichtungen ergänzend zur eigenen betrieblichen Ausbildung (Verbundausbildung) stattfinden.