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Call for applications for an exciting student research project!

Topic: Optimizing the feeding of silicone rubber sealing elements while avoiding electrostatic effects.

The aim of the student research project is to reduce short downtimes related to the feeding of sealing elements by 90%.

The feeding of silicone rubber sealing elements in production processes can be significantly disrupted by electrostatic effects. This leads to short downtimes and inefficient processes. Our aim is to minimize the electrostatic effects and thus maximize efficiency by thoroughly investigating and optimizing the environmental conditions – in particular temperature, humidity and other relevant factors.

Your tasks will include a literature review. Start directly with a comprehensive investigation of existing methods and findings to avoid electrostatic effects. Analyze how various factors such as temperature and humidity influence electrostatic effects. Develop innovative solutions and methods to reduce electrostatic effects and short downtimes.

With your student research project, you will make a significant contribution to improving and increasing efficiency in production. Your research results can have a positive impact on our production processes and set new standards.

Does that sound interesting to you? Then get in touch with us and become part of an innovative project that can change the future of production technology!

We look forward to receiving your application ->!

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