Service:+49 371 43110-0

Facility Manager (m/f/x)

Your tasks in our team:

  • Carrying out simple building services and repairs
  • Cleaning and maintaining indoor and outdoor facilities
  • Independently carry out limited maintenance, repair and maintenance work, carry out painting work, arrange for work that cannot be carried out by yourself according to instructions and monitor its execution
  • Procurement tasks for the area of operation (creating purchase requisitions, obtaining quotes if necessary, etc.)
  • Transportation tasks
  • Coordinating and documenting the use of external companies in the area of facility management
  • Procurement of spare parts
  • Planning, organizing and coordinating the deployment of external companies (supervising external cleaning staff)
  • Representing the team leader in his absence

Our requirements for you:

  • Completed commercial training with technical understanding or technical training
  • Independent, structured way of working
  • High sense of responsibility, thoroughness, strong communication skills, team player and organizational talent

Send your application to:

Madeleine Reichel

Head of Human Resources and Marketing

+49 371 43110-0

CEFEG GmbH Chemnitz
Winklhoferstrasse 3
09116 Chemnitz

Or apply right here:

Certificates / letter of motivation / application / CV / photo (if you like) / last school report / job references / proof of qualifications *

Select one or more files; Permitted file formats: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.pdf; file size: max. 10 MB per file; max. 6 files

* I accept the data protection conditions and agree to a retention period of 6 months (query for our waiting list not applicable)

*) Required fields

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